The Benefits Of Physical Education In School


2 minute read

A school is a place of learning, yes, but as instructors we all too often we forget that there’s more to life than English, Math, and Science.

Learning how to run a mile, kick a soccer ball, or dribble can be just as valuable. It’s not necessarily about the end result — whether you become a star athlete or not is irrelevant — it’s about the process.

This is exactly why physical education exists. To teach students important lessons that they can’t learn by sitting at a desk. Here are a few of the major benefits of having physical education in your school.

It Helps Students Develop Healthy Habits

Let’s start with the most obvious and valuable benefit: physical fitness. PE provides much needed physical activity for your students. Kids aren’t getting enough exercise these days and they’re spending much more of their time watching television or using smart devices. While this may be okay in moderation, the overreliance on technology as the only source of entertainment is setting children up to be unhealthy for life.

The answer — contrary to what some parents may think — isn’t to ban electronic devices outright. You need to provide students with a block of time every day where they can get away from the distractions and move their bodies. And what better way to do that than with physical education?

It Boosts Academic Performance

Want your students to perform better in school? Make sure they go to gym class. It sounds counterintuitive. Gym is often associated with poor grades and a lack of learning after all. But the truth is that physical activity boosts performance in academic disciplines across the board.<

Numerous studies have also shown that regular exercise lowers stress while improving memory and cognitive function. So don’t assume that forcing students to sit at a desk all day is the only way to help them grow intellectually. A healthy, balanced lifestyle with ample exercise is the way to go.

It Teaches Students Valuable Life Skills

Physical development is obviously great, but that’s not all students get out of PE class. It also teaches them valuable life skills that they can carry with them for the rest of their days. Sports can teach kids to put aside their differences and work in a team. Exercise can teach them the value of hard work and persistence. Losing can teach them how to deal with disappointment. They can take all of these lessons with them off the court.

Making the most of your physical education program will ensure that Unfortunately, many schools are having trouble doing this. Whether it’s space limitations or a lack of interest from students, the results are the same. Kids aren’t developing the habits that they need to live a productive, healthy life.

360 Hoops aims to change this. Featuring three hoops on one pole, the 360 Hoops system allows you to make the most of the space have. In addition, the exciting, fast-paced nature of the 360 Hoops can help reinvigorate your physical education classes. With a number of new twists on old games, kids will once again be eager to show up and see what you have in store. For more information on the 360 Hoops system, please contact us today.